Home Anime The Hidden Motive Behind Frieza’s Mercy: Revenge in Universe 6

The Hidden Motive Behind Frieza’s Mercy: Revenge in Universe 6

Discover the possible motive behind Frieza’s decision to spare Goku and Vegeta and how it connects to the Cube Spaceship and Universe 6 in Dragon Ball Super.

The Hidden Motive Behind Frieza’s Mercy: Revenge in Universe 6

The recent return of Black Frieza in Dragon Ball Super left fans puzzled as to why he spared Goku and Vegeta instead of eliminating them. While the exact reason is yet to be officially explained, clues from previous chapters shed light on Frieza’s true intentions. This article will delve into a possible motive for Frieza’s mercy and how it connects to the Cube Spaceship and Universe 6.

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The Cube Spaceship and its Potential:

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In Dragon Ball Super chapter #12, Universe 6’s Angel Vados offers Hit the Cube Spaceship as an incentive to participate in the Tournament of Power. This powerful vehicle can travel to any universe, including the 12 existing ones. Although Hit ultimately didn’t claim his prize, the Cube Spaceship’s significance cannot be overlooked.

Frieza’s Plan for Revenge

Having witnessed the existence of Saiyans in Universe 6 during the Tournament of Power, Frieza may be plotting to use the Cube Spaceship to travel there and conquer the Saiyans once again. By enslaving their people and forcing them to invade Universe 7, Frieza would exact the ultimate revenge against Goku and Vegeta, who crushed his empire and humiliated him.

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The Advantageous Situation in Universe 6:

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Considering Frieza’s overwhelming power demonstrated during his battle with Goku and Vegeta, he has little to fear in Universe 6. Goku’s strength has surpassed Hit’s, and Frost, Frieza’s Universe 6 counterpart, has yet to unlock the Gold form. While the Legendary Super Saiyan Kale poses a potential threat, Frieza may prove to be more than a match for her.

Frieza’s Knowledge of the Cube Spaceship

There is some uncertainty regarding whether Frieza is aware of the Cube Spaceship’s existence. Since Frieza joined the Tournament of Power after the Cube Spaceships were used to transport fighters, he may be completely unaware of them. However, it is possible that Frost, whom Frieza briefly aligned with, revealed this information off-screen. Additionally, Frieza’s past relationship with Beerus might have exposed him to Cube Spaceships.

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The Unveiling of Frieza’s True Goals

Frieza sparing Goku and Vegeta, his most despised adversaries, when he had the upper hand suggests a more sinister plan at play. As Dragon Ball Super’s Super Hero arc concludes and Frieza returns, fans eagerly anticipate the revelation of his true goals. This diabolical scheme is likely to form the foundation of the next major arc, pushing Goku, Vegeta, and potentially Broly and Gohan to new heights as they strive to stop Frieza.


Frieza’s decision to spare Goku and Vegeta hints at a deeper motive rooted in revenge. The Cube Spaceship’s potential to travel to Universe 6 presents an opportunity for Frieza to conquer the Saiyans and force them to invade Universe 7. Whether Frieza is aware of the Cube Spaceship remains uncertain, but his past alliances and relationship with Beerus suggest he may possess knowledge about it. As Dragon Ball Super progresses, Frieza’s true goals will undoubtedly be unveiled, setting the stage for an epic battle against the Saiyan warriors.

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