Dragon Ball Super Manga Chapter 102: Gohan and Goten’s Epic Showdown
In the latest chapter of Dragon Ball Super’s manga, Gohan and Goten engage in an intense sparring match, adding an exciting twist to the story.
Gohan and Goten’s Epic Showdown: A Thrilling Brotherly Battle
In the latest chapter of Dragon Ball Super’s manga, readers are treated to an intense sparring match between Gohan and his younger brother, Goten. This friendly battle adds an exciting twist to the story, showcasing the bond between the two siblings.

( Credit to: Comicbook )
Gohan, known for his impressive power, finally gets the chance to demonstrate his Beast transformation to Goku, who arrives on Earth. Eager to test his son’s newfound strength, Goku brings along Goten and Trunks to Beerus’ planet. Unbeknownst to them, remnants of the Red Ribbon Army, including Carmine, accidentally find themselves transported to the alien world as well.
Before Gohan faces off against his father, he decides to warm up by sparring with both Goten and Trunks. As the older brother, Gohan holds a considerable advantage over Goten, possessing several powerful transformations in his arsenal. However, to level the playing field, Gohan chooses to showcase some of his less potent forms.
One particularly exciting moment occurs when Gohan reaches his “Ultimate” level, prompting Goten and Trunks to attempt the Fusion dance. Their efforts to create Gotenks, the fused version of Goten and Trunks, prove unsuccessful, resulting in the return of the version seen in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.
The manga leaves readers eagerly awaiting the outcome of the battle between Goku and Gohan, leaving the question of who is truly stronger unanswered. Among the Son family members, Goten still has a long way to go before catching up to his father and older brother. Currently, he can only transform into a Super Saiyan. However, it is possible that in the future, Goten may need to step up his game and unlock the power of Super Saiyan 2.