Kaku’s Devil Fruit in One Piece: Explained
Learn about Kaku’s unique Devil Fruit power, the Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Giraffe, in the popular manga and anime series One Piece. Discover how Kaku’s transformation into a giraffe enhances his strength and athletic abilities.
Kaku’s Devil Fruit: The Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Giraffe
Kaku, a member of CP9 in One Piece, possesses a unique Devil Fruit power known as the Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Giraffe. Let’s explore the details of this intriguing ability.

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Transformation into a Giraffe
Kaku’s Devil Fruit allows him to transform into a giraffe, granting him enhanced strength and athletic prowess. Discover how this transformation gives him an advantage in battles.
Acquiring the Power
Kaku acquired his Devil Fruit power just before the Enies Lobby arc, receiving it from his superior, Spandam. This meant that he had limited knowledge of his abilities when he confronted the Straw Hat crew.
Mastery of the Devil Fruit
Initially, Kaku struggled to control his Devil Fruit power, resulting in a comedic display of his transformed giraffe form. However, he quickly adapted and learned to alternate between his human and giraffe forms, utilizing the enhanced strength and athletic abilities that came with his transformation.
In addition to his Giraffe Zoan transformation, Kaku also possessed expertise in the six forms of Rokushiki, a martial arts style utilized by CP9. This further compensated for any difficulties he faced in fully harnessing his Devil Fruit abilities.
Reception and Return of CP9
Despite being a minor character in the grand scheme of the One Piece storyline, Kaku and the rest of CP9 received a positive reception from fans during the Water 7 arc.
While the return of CP9 members in recent arcs has been met with mixed reactions, Kaku’s Devil Fruit remains a prime example of Eiichiro Oda’s creativity within the One Piece universe.
Kaku’s Devil Fruit, the Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Giraffe, grants him the ability to transform into a giraffe, enhancing his strength and athletic prowess. Despite initially struggling with his newfound power, Kaku quickly adapts and utilizes it effectively. His unique abilities and the return of CP9 members continue to captivate One Piece fans.